

Saturday, 14 September 2013

TAG! The Autumn Tag

I saw this tag over on srslylou's blog (this tag originally came from and I've always loved questionnaires and I always ask people really annoying questions and I like to asked questions get why I'm doing this. I'm also surprisingly looking forward to Autumn/Fall, which is new for me because I tend to just love the Summer.

#1 Favourite Thing About It?
Jumpers & coats! It's easier to hide any tummy rolls or chubby arms in the colder months and I think I just feel more comfortable with layers on. I also prefer the more muted and monochrome colours. But fashion aside I love the change of colours in the leaves and the fact that it means Christmas is on it's way!

#2 Favourite Drink?
Probably anything hot with cinnamon in it or even just a classic hot chocolate. I had my first hot chocolate of the season the other day, which was rather exciting. And wine, always wine but none of that hot wine nonsense.

#3 Favourite Scent//Candle?
 When it comes to perfume I love Prada Candy in the colder months and as for candles...I guess anything warm so something with cinnamon or vanilla. I really want a nice fig candle for my bedroom. I'm not a candle addict or candle snob so I can't really think of specific candles right now.

#4 Best Lipstick?
DIFFICULT. I'm a bit obsessed with nudes at the moment so probably Tom Ford Pink Dusk and I want to try the new L'Oréal ones that have come out recently.

#5 Go-To Moisturiser?
I don't change my moisturiser according to seasons, I just use whatever I have so right now that's the Caudalie Vinosource Moisturising Sorbet.

#6 Go-To Colours For The Eyes?
Anything really warm and bronzey. Something like MAC Woodwinked.

#7 Favourite Music (Band//Singer) To Listen To?
My music taste doesn't change according to the season (unless it's Christmas then I'm partial to a bit of Fairy Tale of New York) but I love The Cure all year round. I like lots of different types of music and yes, I do have that new Miley Cyrus song stuck in my head.

#8 Favourite Outfit?
Black jeans or a dress with thick tights and some cool boots. I love scarves too. Nothing groundbreaking!

#9 Autumn Treat (eg Something You Have Your Eye On)?
I really want an expensive handbag and some nice shoes but I don't have any specific in mind. You can checkout my Pinterest to see what kind of things I go for.

#10 Favourite Place To Be?
Well, I used to live in Paris and it's beautiful there whatever the season. I would just have to say any big city because I'm definitely a city girl. I'm in London now but I'm hopefully/probably heading to New York in the next few days and I'll be there for the whole of Autumn (oh and Winter...).

If you've done this tag leave a link in the comments so I can read your answers & I tag everyone who reads this to do it too!


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  1. I love cinnamon, in drinks and especially cinnamon smelling candles. They smell so good.
    Autumn is such a pretty season

    1. I agree! I used to love playing in the leaves ha.

  2. i love autumn! and cinnamon is one of my fav spices.. its great in everything!

    from Brigitte at // BreezeyBee Blog | BlogLovin'

    don't forget to enter my Real Techniques giveaway here

    1. It's good for you too :) But maybe not when in a really fatty, sugary coffee but OH WELL.

  3. These kinds of tags always make me so excited for the season we're in! So cool that you are headed to New York!!

    Ellie | Ellalogy

  4. I love autumn and being able to hide in big jumpers. I can see why you're are so excited I would love to go to new york! Have a good time x

  5. I love this tag! I love jumpers and coats so much, and snuggling up in front of the fire <3

    Jennie xo |

    1. That reminds me I need to go coat shopping!

  6. Scarves are the best! I have way too many of them. Autumn/Fall is my favorite season, so I'm really excited. This was a cute list!

  7. This tag is a great idea! That's amazing you're going to New York. I'd love to go there this time of year :)

    Ria x

  8. I always add a bit of cinnamon and nutmeg to my hot chocolates, it's the way to go! Have a great time in New York.

    Water Painted Dreams


Make sure to leave your blog links if you wish to do so but PLEASE no follow for follow posts or any spam :) Check back if you asked a question because I will make sure to answer.