

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Current Hair Favourites # 3

As someone with very fine, bleached hair, I think it is fair to say I really need to look after my hair to keep it in a fairly good condition. I have quite dry hair so I like to use a lot of hair masks and conditioners to keep it in good condition but I also use products to keep my hair looking ashy rather than yellowy. Read on to see what hair products I've been enjoying recently.

I have mentioned the Touch of Silver Twice A Week Brightening Shampoo (With Violet Pigment) by Pro Voke before but I just want to reemphasize what a good buy this is if you have blonde hair and you want to steer clear of brassy tones. I think silver/purple toning shampoos in general are great for blondes and I also love the one by l'Oréal but this is the one I have at the moment because I had a few Boots points to spend and this one is so affordable (£3.09 from Boots). I also got the Intensive Treatment Conditioner, which is a similar price, from the same brand because I've never tried it before and so far I like it. I am also loving the l'Oréal Ever Riche Conditioner (Nourishing & Taming) which smells amazing - like caramel & vanilla. I find it really conditioning. I generally just love the l'Oréal Ever lines including Ever Pure and Ever Riche. I have several products from those lines and I think the Ever Riche Hair Mask is amazing too but I've written about that fairly recently so that's nothing new. I highly recommend you check out the Ever Riche, Ever Pure and Ever Sleek lines by l'Oréal because it's great stuff. I think there is also an Ever Strong line too which I haven't yet tried. The last product I am loving is the Tangle Teezer Aqua Splash, which is a basically a Tangle Teezer than you use on wet hair and you can keep in your shower because it won't fill up with water. I swear by Tangle Teezers so if you don't have one, go get one because they really sort out any knots, tangles and they don't tug on your hair. I have one of the regular ones too because I can't do without them!       


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  1. I need to give my hair some TLC, it gets so dry when I dye it!! I really want to try a tangle teaser cause my hair gets so knotty with it being quite thick and curly!


    1. If you have curly hair, you NEED the tangle teezer. My mom likes to describe my hair as 'candy floss' and the tangle teezer really helps.

  2. I've just started using that L'Oreal conditioner and am loving it so far. That Tangle Teaser sounds like a great idea! :)
    Catherine x | Brighton Girl

  3. Not sure about the tangle teezer for in the shower, I'm too scared to brush through wet hair - I've heard you can overstretch and damage your hair! Though I use the regular tangle teezer afterwards on dry hair and it sorts out any knots :)

    1. Well it's designed to be used on wet hair so I'll just believe the professionals! I think the idea is that it doesn't stretch your hair. It definitely doesn't feel like using a normal brush on your hair because it doesn't tug :)

  4. I've heard great things about those brushes! I wanna try one.
    Kallie @ But First, Coffee

  5. I just recently dyed my hair lighter and that shampoo/conditioner combo might really help me out. Thanks for sharing :)
    New huge Sephora haul ♥

  6. I love the Ever Riche range, it doesn't half smell good like you said, so kind to my hair too. I really want to try out the mask they do, sounds fab x

    Amy / srslylou

  7. i bought that l'oreal shampoo the other day and i'm waiting to use it! bought the one in the green bottle too and i'm really enjoying that one :)

    from helen at thelovecatsinc

    ps. enter my new giveaway to win a Chanel cream blush! click here

  8. You've got me interested in the L'Oreal hair masks. I'm curious about Tangle Teezers. I've heard many great things but because I have straight hair and even though they do tangle, it's easily dealt with with a regular hair brush. So I can't justify buying one.

    Ty's Blog of Epiphanies

  9. Oh I really love the Aqua Splash - it's soooooo nice to use it with an intensive conditioner in the shower, to keep brushing and brushing it through :D xx

    Gem │ ♥ │ Miss Makeup Magpie

  10. Mmmm, those sulphate free L'Oreal products are so good, I literally bought everything in the range!
    And the Touch of Silver products were an absolute godsend when I was blonde!
    Lovely post, thanks for sharing!
    amyalaska | Beauty & Lifestyle blog


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