

Monday, 7 January 2013

MAC Omega - A Great Multi-use Product For The Pale Girl

First of all I want to apologise for the poor photos but I don't have my camera with me so I had to take them on my iPhone (don't kill me), which is why the quality is not so great.
The reason why I am making this post is because I recently went home to France for the holidays and realised I had left NYX Blush in Taupe (my usual contour colour) in my uni house so I needed (/wanted) to use something else. Bronzers are usually too orangey on me, so I only use bronzers to bronze my face rather than contour. 
I had recently bought a small MAC palette and one of the colours in it was Omega, which I use for my eyebrows (as seen in the photo below) and because Omega has no orangey/red tones in it, I figured it might work as a contour colour...

Left: MAC Omega used to contour nose, cheekbones and as an eyebrow colour | Right: MAC Omega Swatched

I now regularly use it to contour my cheekbones and my nose when I don't have NYX Taupe on me, I think it is actually a great substitute. Obviously this would not work so well on darker skin tones because it wouldn't show up so much, but if you are pale like me, Omega, despite being an eyeshadow, is a great contour colour and great for eyebrows if you have fair hair like I do.


 photo homeeee_zps214aed0e.jpg


  1. I use Harmony for my contour but i didn't know omega from mac ! I'm sure this is the perfect tone for light skin :)
    (your pictures are not too bad ^^)

    1. It's because it's an eyeshadow, I don't think most people would think to use it! :) and thanks x

  2. Ooh I've been thinking about getting omega for a little while now, I never would have thought to use it anywhere else except the eyes/eyebrows, definitely going to pick it up next time I'm at MAC!

    Jennie xo |

    1. I know, I bought just it just for my eyebrows really but now it's an eyebrow/eyeshadow/contour colour all-in-one for me! I imagine it won't last very long because of it :)

  3. You have now confirmed that I NEED to get this!x

    1. It took me ages to get it because I thought I would only ever use it on my eyebrows :)

  4. I never thought of using this shade for contouring, it looks lovely - great tip! :)


  5. You're stunning! So pretty :) xx

  6. It seems like a great eyebrow color. It's such a popular color. Your blog is so lovely xx


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