

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Different Ways To Follow Me and Raspberphobia

If you are a bit of a social media junkie like me and you like different ways to communicate with people and you like getting new ideas from loads of different sources, this post might be of interest to you. I am just basically putting into one post the different ways you can follow me. I saw Jessica French (whose blog I love by the way) did something like this on her blog and I just thought it was a really good idea.
Feel free to leave any of your links in the comments, I don't do the whole 'follow for follow' thing but I do check out people's links and if I really like the person's blog/instagram/whatever I do sometimes follow :)

1) Twitter
I am a massive tweet-head. I constantly tweet loads of rubbish and hopefully some vaguely interesting things too (probably not though) and I just think twitter is a great way of communicating with various different people as well as companies. It's a good place for having discussions and asking people questions in a really informal way. (My Twitter)

2) Instagram
Instagram is one of those things that a lot of people hate but I really enjoy it. I love to see where people are in the world, any pretty sights and if you don't take it too seriously it is just a bit of fun. My username is _banannie_ 

3) Google Connect
This is the standard way of following blogs, if you go onto most blogger blogs there is a button you can press to follow it, it is by the section that shows all your 'followers'.

4) Bloglovin'
I am not massively active on Bloglovin' simply because I just haven't quite gotten into it yet, but I am trying to! (Bloglovin')

5) Hellocotton
This is just another way to follow blogs and find new ones to follow, I actually follow quite a few food blogs on hellocotton and I always find really interesting blogs that I would have never come across otherwise. (Hellocotton)

6) Pinterest
I absolutely love pinning. Pinterest is like a virtual pinboard and you can just 'pin' things you come across or 'repin' other people's pins onto different virtual pinboards and it is just a great way to create wishlists, a bucket list, things you want to do, places you want to see, cakes you want to is just really fun and another great way to discover new things. (My Pinterest)

7) SheSaidBeauty
This is a bit of a new one to me, but it's basically a social platform for beauty bloggers to share what products they love/dislike, and you can also follow people on it. (SheSaidBeauty)

8) The Courier
This one is kind of random, but basically I am currently the Beauty Editor of my uni's newspaper so if you want to check out anything I have written for The Courier because I also write for it, you can just check out that out you can just click here for all beauty related things, and I also write for the fashion section so press here for that! (We also have an instagram account, our username is courierfashionandbeauty)


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  1. I love instagram also but nowadays people use it for all the wrong reasons! I'm also on bloglovin' but haven't really got the hang of it yet. Great blog:)

  2. I usually don't follow on Instagram all beauty bloggers I follow on GFC because instagram is a bit personal but I'm following you! your face is so cute I couldn't resist (how lesbian did that sound!)


    1. ahahaha! I'll take it as a compliment :)


Make sure to leave your blog links if you wish to do so but PLEASE no follow for follow posts or any spam :) Check back if you asked a question because I will make sure to answer.