

Tuesday 26 June 2012

NYX Blush in Taupe - Review!

Is this the perfect contour colour for pale girls?

I have heard Essie and Deniz (two of my faves!) talk about this before but it has taken me months to actually buy it for some reason.
But I am glad I finally did!

Ohhhhh my.
It looks like dirt. It really does.

BUT the colour is actually PERFECT for contouring (on my pale skin anyway) because it is the same colour of the shadows in the hollows of my cheeks so it looks really natural. 
It's a really dusty, non-orangey taupe colour.

The texture is really silky soft which is impressive because this ain't expensive stuff.
That is probably why the packaging is so tacky but I kind of like it. (eek)

This how it looked at the end of the day!

I got this on ebay (from the US) and it cost about £7 with postage.
NYX do have a UK website for postage is £5 which is pretty steep if you're only ordering one thing that is worth about £5.

Verdict: I would definitely recommend this product for anyone with pale-ish skin. This gets a 9/10 from me!


 photo homeeee_zps214aed0e.jpg


  1. gonna have to try this! i have a bunch of nyx blushes and love them,so i have to go find this color!

  2. I keep meaning to pick this up! x

    1. yeah, it took me months to actually get it because I kept forgetting!

  3. I'll have to look for this! It's so hard to find a nice contour shade for pale skin.


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