

Friday 15 May 2015

Deep Cleansing Duo

I mentioned in my last post that I now have oily skin. For a while I was still using skincare for drier skin types because that's what I was used to using and still thought I should. Now that I have sadly accepted that my skin isn't who I thought it was (it's not you, it's me etc), I have learned that I need to deep clean my skin to stop clogging issues. These are the two deep cleansing products that I have been using and enjoying recently.

I was in New York in March and I started going to a place called Skin Laundry (I went three times), which offers a quick ten/fifteen minute laser facial. I think I'm going to eventually do a separate post on that so STAY TOONED. Anyway, I was at Skin Laundry and I use a Clarisonic so I wanted a cleanser that I could use with the Clarisonic because I didn't like the one I was using at the time. They recommended me the Skin Laundry Extra Deep Cleanser for normal to oily skin ($25), which I really like. It has a gel texture and it works really well with the Clarisonic because it doesn't go super foamy but it also doesn't just disappear on the skin because you do need a bit of slip when using the Clarisonic. What I noticed about this, is that it immediately brings anything in pores/below the skin up to the surface - which seems gross but it means it really is deep cleaning and removing that dirt. 

A similar product (in that it's a gel and it brings everything up to the surface) is the Freeze 24/7 Skin GlacĂ© Daily Detoxifying Cleanser & Mask* (£40 £36). You can either use this like a normal cleanser and it turns from a green gel into a lather or you can apply it evenly over your face on dry or damp skin and leave it on for a minute or two. The mask method gives a really bizarre sensation because you can feel it turn into a foam and bubbles popping on your skin - it tickles a bit. Essentially it gives your skin a similar kind of clean feeling as the Skin Laundry cleanser doesm but it doubles up as a mask, which I think is pretty cool. 

I alternate the two of them and I use them after I have Bioderma'd my face off, then used an oil cleanser to fully remove my makeup. So yes, I double cleanse. I don't always do this, sometimes I am too lazy but if I have time/can be bothered that's what I tend to do. I find that if I properly clean my face before using a deep cleanser, then there isn't any makeup in the way stopping the product from really penetrating (meow) those pores. 

*this is a PR sample (I did not pay for it) that I got through my last work experience but it was NOT sent to me for review

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