

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Start of 2015 Non-Beauty Favorites

Oh hi everyone. Apparently I still exist so I should probably get back on this whole blogging thang. I hope you're all well etc. I will be doing a 2014 favorites post but as per usual, I like to be fashionably late. But for now, here are a few random non-beauty faves that I have been loving... (because I do like things aside from beauty, believe it or not).
During the last few months of 2014, it crossed my mind that I desperately needed a diary. I'm not particularly into phone calendars etc + I definitely remember things better if I write it down. I got this 'Vintage Bicycles' diary at the bookstore at Chelsea Market in New York + it's by Cavallini Papers & Co. So far, I have been using it on a daily basis so long may that continue!

I didn't have a phone case for my iPhone 6 + I was almost reluctant to get one because I loved my Louis Vuitton iPhone 5S case so much that I didn't want anything else. Now obviously those don't come cheap so it wasn't a realistic option to keep buying them every time I changed phone. I chose the Cat Sims Feathers Case from Iconemesis + I am now really glad I got a case. I think it looks really pretty but without being too girly because y'all know that just ain't my style. It's not too thick so it doesn't make my phone bulky + it is also quite soft in texture which I didn't expect. I thought it might be quite plasticky but actually it feels really nice + has a great grip to it. It is actually on sale at the moment for £9.99 - so definitely worth getting now if you like it!

Raw Revolution Chunky Peanut Butter Chocolate Food Bar
This tastes like a seriously naughty treat but luckily for me, it ain't so bad. It comes in at 200 calories + is full of organic goodness. I get these at Whole Foods in the US, I am not sure if they stock them in the UK but if you can get your hands on these then you will be thanking me...

*sent for review, chosen by me

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  1. I love that phone case, so cute and looks way more expensive! x

  2. I swear there are NO cute iPhone 6 cases anywhere so thanks for sharing this one!! :-)

  3. The raw peanut chocolate food bar sounds so tasty! xx

  4. Your planner is too cute! I love the little bicycles.


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