

Monday, 16 July 2012

Summer Haircare Essentials

In the Summer I find my dry hair becomes exponentially more dry due to all the sun exposure so I do things a bit differently come summertime.
My hair is dyed blonde and because I use hair straighteners to either straighten or curl my hair (it's naturally a frizzy mess) I need to be careful in the summer so it doesn't just die on me altogether.

The first product that I love and consider to be 'essential' (first world problems huh) is my tangle teezer. I actually only got this a few months ago which I don't understand because it makes my hair so much more manageable- I don't know what I used before. I find it so great because it doesn't give me split ends like other brushes do and as I am trying to improve the condition of my hair and grow it out a bit, that's kind of important. I use this after I have washed my hair and also before I go to bed.

I really love a good hair mask and my favourite is the Garnier Ultra Doux Hair Mask with olive oil and shea butter in it. It's just one of those ones you can get at the supermarket in France (not sure about the UK and other places) and I just find it really helps soften my hair. The fact that it is avocado and shea really makes me feel like it is hydrating my hair too!

Recently I have become kind of addicted to hair oils in all different shapes/sizes/textures/colours/flavours/fish/lemon/cat/WHAT. I use The Body Shop's Coconut Oil Hair Shine that comes in a little tin when I am styling my hair and a bit on the ends before I go to bed. It is one of those solid oils rather than liquidy ones which is practical for just putting on in the day or before bed- it doesn't go all over your pillow or anything. It makes my hair feel really soft & it smells divine too!

The next product I love is the Tommy Gunns Climate Control Shine Spray. OH MY WORD this smells like heaven (aka jojoba oil?). It really is just a fixing hair spray that helps add a bit of shine and texture to the hairs on one's head whilst smelling incred.

Last but definitely NAT least is the Lovea Shea Oil which I bought intending to use in the same way that I use my Macadamia Hair Oil (on damp hair before drying) but found that it made my hair far to greasy. SO I now slather this all over my hair, put a shower cap on (sexy, mine looks like a watermelon, and what) and then leave it on for about 5 minutes while I'm washing my armpits or something and then rinse it out. Honestly, this stuff totally makes my hair so much softer and more shiny. It is really great when used as a sort of pre-hair-wash hair mask.

Also to try and make my hair a bit less damaged and horrible I am trying to refrain from drying/straightening it as much as I can!

I hope this wasn't too long and boring :)


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