

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Smoothie Queen

Hi everyone, so I basically have not even unpacked my suitcase yet which is why my posts are kind of random and irrelevant to what I usually write about because I basically have not gotten my poop together yet.

This post is kind of a health related one because I have been struggling with my weight for a year or so now since I put on weight in my first year of university and I have not managed to shift it yet. I am by no means overweight or anything like that but I am about 5-10lbs heavier than what I feel comfortable with. 

At the moment I am doing a bit of a detox thingy which kind of just involves smoothies and fruit. It IS really boring but I will just do this for a few days and hopefully notice a tiny difference and THEN go on to just eat healthily.

This is my favourite one that I have been making and I have them as meal replacements. As I said I am only doing this for a few days and then I will just go back to my wheat-free, pescatarian, normal diet.

What I use:

A smoothie blender.
2 cups of vanilla soya milk.
1 banana.
1/2 a frozen mango.
1 cup of pineapple juice.

It is incredibly easy to make and tastes delicious.
All you need to do is just wack it all together into the blender and you get a delicious/nutritious drink.

I will be back with some more relevant posts soon!


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  1. That sounds really nice! I love making juices, they're soo yummy and really really good for you, much better than the juices you buy in shops because they're full of sugar, whereas the ones you make yourself are 100% natural and you know exactly what's gone into them! I like to juice a whole cucumber, 3-4 apples, a handful of grapes, a few mint leaves and a kiwi, it's delicious, and it tastes good with a bit of lime or a pear or two added in as well! :)
    Eleanor x

  2. That sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing! xx


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