

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Life In New York: Part II

Hi everyone! As my internship is coming to an end (kind of, I have two more months) + I'm planning on moving to London on 9/22, I thought I would do another New York post (even if it's just for me to look back on). Living in New York has been one of the best experiences of my life. I'm happy to be able to say I have lived in London, Paris, LA + New York by the age of 23 not because it sounds cool but because not everyone gets that opportunity + I am incredibly lucky that I did that chance to move around. If you have never visited New York, you really have to experience it one. It is a magical, beautiful, buzzing city + I really don't think there is anywhere else like it in the world. I love the contrast between all the different areas, when you're in Williamsburg, Brooklyn you really couldn't feel further away from the Upper East of Manhattan. Getting to work on 5th Avenue was a dream I really didn't ever think I'd get to live out + I'm proud to say I've even tried a REAL cronut now (which meant waiting in line at 6am for two hours but it was totally worth it). As much as I am crazy excited to be reuinited with the British sense of humor, European boys, British TV... oh and all my bestest buds, I will miss this city a lot but I'm glad my parents are based here so it will still be 'home' for the next few years.

If you want to see more of my NYC adventures then you can follow me on Instagram PLUG PLUG PLUG: @annieelizabethm

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  1. You're incredibly lucky indeed! You must have so many amazing memories to take back to the UK with you :)
    Amy x | A Little Boat Sailing

  2. So jealous of you living in New York, it sounds amazing, but I hope you enjoy coming back to England xx

    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD


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